How Disruption Leads to Healing
Only distortions can be disrupted. Anything that is fully aligned with the One cannot be disrupted by any word, act or reflection. Thus, do not fear disruption; and if there is disruption, know that it is a good thing, for disruption equals revelation.
Disruption reveals a distortion in thought or belief that, with loving awareness and honest willingness, can be brought into a lesser distorted state—one that is vibrationally closer to the state of The One. This is healing.
Disruption is often required for healing, especially when one who, though desirous of being healed in the depths of their beingness, is not yet ready or willing to embrace those revealing healing opportunities with the surface layers of their personal self. As a result, they are at odds—in resistance to—their own healing, and indeed, their own deepest desires.
Blame of other-selves almost always results, for this inner discrepancy is too uncomfortable to acknowledge and rest with. Upon a revelation about the self, if we don’t take in the healing, we tend to vomit it out, using the closest bystander—typically our best friends, family, partner or teacher—as a projectile receptacle.
A being or situation functioning as a mirror to the to-be-healed individual can have an occasionally disruptive effect upon the one to be healed. Not because he is dangerous, intentionally antagonistic, sadistic or malicious, but precisely because his harmonious presence reflects the truth of a situation or entity previously covered up by multiple masks and systems of avoidance, reasoning and justification.
Remember that true harmony cannot be disrupted. If there is a disruption, it must, in essence, be a healing opportunity. If utilized willingly and humbly by the self to the self—rather than rejected with blame, shame, drama and projection—it can lead to the deeply empowered state that the true Soul within desires for you.
However, many are not immediately ready to embrace the wondrous healing their Higher Self requests on their behalf. They often spend several cycles of experience—scraping their knees, rejecting their own Higher Self as they are dragged across the hallway of their destiny—rather than flying through it with faith and collaborative will.
This need not be so, but it is up to the free will of each as to how courageous they wish to believe they are, and with how much faith and honesty they are willing to face the self, accept the self, and surrender the self to their Greater Self. Faith is key.
Until this integration of the self into the Greater Self has reached sufficient levels of maturity, we will continue to shame, blame, dramatize and project—effectively (ab)using other-selves as objects to satisfy our craving to maintain a homeostasis-of-self—even if that homeostasis is distorted and secretly painful in its background operations. In our irrational and reactive self-neglect, we often end up condemning and crucifying our healers, mirrors and truest of friends.
Those rare few who are actually here for us—who live for our well-being, who know the true and natural state of altruism—are often perceived and treated as more threatening to our homeostasis-of-self than the most oppositional and heavily armed neighboring country we could have. In fact, we love those neighbors who we can outright hate and fight. And we hate those whom we secretly love for the truth they represent.
But rest assured: In time, all will gather under the sun—the sun of healing, that is—the sun of true love, the sun of God’s unity and wholeness.
– Bentinho