Articles & Blog
Written by Bentinho & members of his team.
The Turning Point for Humanity
“The world is becoming more and more insane.”
Yes it is. However, there is more than meets the eye.
We hear versions of this claim made a lot lately (that the world is getting crazier by the day). You’ve probably had the same thought at least once per week over the past couple of years. And for good reason.
How Disruption Leads to Healing
Disruption reveals a distortion in thought or belief that, with loving awareness and honest willingness, can be brought into a lesser distorted state—one that is vibrationally closer to the state of The One. This is healing.
I Dedicate This To All Light-Bringers: “Do It Anyway” — Mother Teresa
My friends. My fellow light bringers and awakeners. My brothers and sisters. Those of you who are here at this time to lead humanity into its next iteration, this is for you.
You will be misunderstood.
Why 99% of Scientists are Unscientific in Their Approach
All we ever know is perception itself. Hence, to believe an actual world is responsible for causing perception is a major and biased assumption, fundamentally contradicting the scientific approach.
Ode to The Absolute
I, through the lens of this body, know this world.
I, through the lens of my mind, know this body.
I, through the lens of my witnessing soul, know this mind.
I, through the lens of that great Aware-Being, know this soul and indeed anything at all.
But I as myself know that great Aware-Being; while it knows me not.
Understanding The Causal Body — Save Yourself Years of Confused Meditations
When most people begin to practice meditation, they can become disillusioned with their progress because they don’t know about the Causal Body, which is known as the Bliss Body, or the Anandamaya Kosha, in Vedantic philosophy. Experientially understanding the Causal Body can save the seeker years of confusion in meditation.
Questioner: “Why Are Your Teachings Full of Contradictions?”
I don’t believe most of what I say. Whatever words I may utter, they are all perspectives offered to the person asking the question or given to the crowd in the room. What I say is dependent on context, crowd and purpose. I might give one person completely different advice than another person on the very same topic, or a different answer to the very same question.
Cultivating the Direct Experience of The Self
“When the self in you becomes aware of itself rather than of objects, attention placed on objects decreases and the awareness of Self—the Eternal Subject, that which has never changed—increases and becomes more powerful and magnetic with further practice.” — Bentinho Massaro
The Paradoxical Life of a Bodhisattvic Mirror
“A bodhisattva is a being who carries out the work of the buddhas, vowing not to personally settle into the salvation of final buddhahood until she or he can assist all beings throughout the vast reaches of time and space to fully be free. A bodhisattva is a buddha with her sleeves rolled up.”
Your Pain is Controlling Your Brain
Insecure or traumatized people—those with unresolved victimhood or inequality issues—have a difficult time discerning power from arrogance or abuse. Often to their own detriment and the postponement of their own healing. Without power, nothing works. Including healing the self and transforming the world.
Earth’s Army of Love
Our lives are but temporary, intentional expressions of who we are before, during and after this incarnation. Do not be blinded by or cling to your life, for such limited view will distort the very intention from which your consciousness created this life. Let death open your eyes so True Life can flow through you and into this world.
Infinite Expansion, Endless Love
Infinite expansion, infinite challenge, infinite opposition, infinite reconciliation, infinite opportunity, infinite misunderstanding, infinite compassion, infinite struggle, infinite bliss.
What a life this is. I cannot help but be unavoidably torn into infinite directions simultaneously, leaving me with nothing but love, raw transcendence and all-embracing surrender.
“Can I Die?”
This article does not aim to provide you with ‘what is true and what is false’ because, as you’ll see later on in this article, that is completely malleable. In a sense everything can be accurate or true, depending on the reality it is based in. Rather, I intend to give you the tools and understanding required to empower yourself, to help you choose for yourself, and to navigate times like these with great joy, love, inner clarity and excitement in your heart. After all, you are the creator of your own reality.
The Deepest Joy: Being of Service to Others
At first, spirituality is all about the individual waking up to the deeper layers of their consciousness, and integrating these truths—both the transcendental truths, as well as the hidden, suppressed personal beliefs—until one comes into unison within one's self. Then, however, gradually, more and more, spirituality becomes all about being of service to other-selves, which are all portions of the overarching Being that you/I/we are. In short: service-to-others.
The Power of Alignment
When you are fully in alignment with yourself, your overarching dream, and your sense of purpose, you become so powerful in your presence that things change around you effortlessly all the time—even against the logical odds and rules of “reality.”