The Turning Point for Humanity
To my Brother and Sisters of The Light,
“The world is becoming more and more insane.”
Yes it is. However, there is more than meets the eye.
We hear versions of this claim made a lot lately (that the world is getting crazier by the day). You’ve probably had the same thought at least once per week over the past couple of years. And for good reason.
I’ll just get right to my point: “The Earth” is splitting apart.
It—metaphysically speaking—quite literally is in my view. I will attempt to briefly elucidate on this complex phenomenon in a simple manner in this newsletter.
The idea that there are multiple (possibly infinite) realities that coexist parallel to one another—like different configurations of similar-looking playing fields; or different online servers of the same video game map—hidden in plain sight, as if invisibly nested within or “next to” each other within the same ether/presence of the here and now—is becoming a more popular idea in mainstream consciousness, as well as in the fields of physics, mathematics, simulation theory, quantum mechanics and probably in other branches of science.
The existence of parallel realities is not a new concept at all, but it hasn’t fully been accepted yet by most people as “real.” It does not visibly show up in a way that most people can recognize in their daily lives. However, this expanded understanding of reality is nevertheless seeping into mainstream consciousness in both direct and indirect ways.
For example, think of the dozens of blockbuster movies over the past 5 years where parallel realities are a paramount aspect of the movie plot. While it’s too bad that it’s arguably dampening the film industry a bit and allows for sloppy plot twists and silly excuses in writing, it is still good to see this evolution in what the collective now has conscious concepts of, and openness towards.
Imagine showing all these crazy complex movies about parallel realities, timelines and parallel versions of the self to cinema-goers in the 40s and 50s. Ha! It would be fun to see their reaction. I'd imagine some would not even comprehend what they were watching; just as the American natives reportedly did not physically perceive or comprehend Columbus’ ships at first, until they developed some kind of concept of what a ship is.
Point being: although people haven’t fully integrated the concepts of quantum physics and parallel realities, etc., into their day-to-day sense of self, as a collective we are nevertheless gearing ourselves up to understand these concepts better and integrate them more and more into our awareness of what’s real and how things actually work.
What we as a civilization appreciate and develop in our science fiction and fantasy is often a precursor for what we’re unconsciously priming ourselves to be ready for in “real life.”
The Mandela Effect has also been a nice, recently-emerging phenomenon that demonstrates the existence of parallel realities, alternate timelines of a similar-yet-different reality of Earth, etc., and our ability as consciousnesses to shift (often unknowingly and automatically) from one timeline to other parallel timelines.
Sometimes there is a memory bleed-through or discrepancy to reconcile the old memory of the old timeline with the new past (for each reality has its own past, too, not just future) which is part of the recently shifted-into timeline. Thus, people can remember different pasts of global events, product names, common phrases, famous people, and so on.
All of this, including the shifting between realities, usually happens automatically, naturally, organically and unnoticed to the observer.
As is often the case, popular science, as well as “common knowledge,” is catching up with what has always been obvious to the genuine yogis and those who understand, at least to some degree, how metaphysics interrelates with—and often causes—our more surface-level, observable physics.
In the same way that conventional science is generally playing catch up with the true yogis/sages/seers of this world, so too is the actual physical, material world always playing catch up with the subtler, metaphysical “planes” of consciousness and whatever shifts are taking place at these subtler-than-physical vibrations.
The main idea I am touching upon here is that our collective's seemingly consensus Earth-reality is, in a sense, splitting apart into multiple versions of itself—each of which will continue to move further and further apart from one another in their vibrational nature.
This separation of the timelines, if you will—like train tracks leaving the station and moving further and further apart from one another until the trains on these tracks can no longer easily interact with one another—will continue to accelerate in the coming handful of years, to such a degree that what was once a visibly, tangibly shared collective reality of very different minds and hearts sharing the same seeming space/time reality, is now no longer sufficiently cohesive to produce a shared space/time reality experience between the former occupants/observers of “the world.”
To Each Their Own World
We, as individuals and as sub-collectives, are shifting our consciousness to different "servers of Earth;" to those compatible with our own vibration. Or more accurately: the perceptions which we call the world are shifting through our consciousness, much like image in front of the light of a projector shifting to a different image. For in truth; we (consciousness, sentience, intelligence, I AM) do not exist inside the world; the world exists inside of consciousness as a infinitely complex series of perceptions.
We assume the world is real but that's the big illusion; the world is made of perception—which is made of awareness—only.
To each their own (world), in other words. Their own perception. Their own dream. Their own relevant consensus world-simulation or experience; shared with other consciousnesses who share the same lessons and principles desired to be learned.
This idea is sounding less and less like a prophecy made by a few crazy saints, pseudo-scientists or potential modern-day schizophrenics, and is becoming more and more self-evident in daily life, even to large portions of heretofore conveniently oblivious mainstream audiences.
Though they may not have the language for—or metaphysical understanding of—this phenomenon, and though they may not describe it in the way I just did, it is hopeful to notice how even many of our beloved average joes out there are starting to sense that something funky, potent, unknown, inevitable, multi-dimensional and mysterious is happening at a global scale.
"Something is happening, I just can't quite put my finger on it..."
People can’t quite explain it, but daily life is starting to feel more and more like a constant, subtle psychedelic trip to many; where they can’t quite make sense of what 10 years ago felt like a stable, predictable, reliable sense of self in a reliable outer world, and why currently life feels so dream-like, almost malleable, perforated and “weird.”
Our inner metaphysics or consciousness—and our sense of self along with it—as well as our sense of space, time and the “objective” collective world, is shifting more and more.
What seemed solid and real is internally feeling more and more malleable, uncertain, strange, crazy, spooky or mysterious to many. Why this is happening is a deeper metaphysical topic that touches upon the cosmological timing of things, like rhythms of the cosmos or the Creator, if you will; speculations and approximations which I will save for another article some other time, possibly.
For now, it is good to simply observe and acknowledge that a foundational collective shift is happening before our very eyes in both metaphysical and physical terms.
It is encouraging to see the collective begin to catch on with this sense that “something’s afoot!”
Some of the more tangible examples of what was “fringe & cringe” even 5 years ago, and which have now become more and more common knowledge, accepted and acknowledged as most probably true, would be:
Conspiracies at the highest level of human organization; shadow agencies/governments; deliberate deceit in media and social media; character assassinations and cancellations; well thought-out lies that plant seeds in the gullible collective mind to cause harm and conflict within its own people; the causing of social trends to instigate the gullible into starting social wars with their own brothers and sisters (divide and conquer, right?); the probable existence of ET life, and even the probable contact they’ve already had with some of our people and governments over the past 100 years; the cover up of free energy; travel and healing technologies that would free our planet’s souls from having to perform slave labor 9-5 just to survive in a mediocre existence; the warfare eruptions; the wicked vaccine disaster; censorship of free speech; the ever-expanding agenda oppressing the population to bend to the will of a few… and the list goes on.
These are just some of the more surface-level examples that are more visible to most people. There are many other symptoms that are more metaphysical and subtle in their effects and causation, which most don’t yet have the eyes to recognize.
Reality is stranger than fiction.
My main point here is that the “strange and crazy” is very rapidly becoming more accepted as a part of life, while only 5 years ago even all this surface-level, very-obvious-to-some stuff was ridiculed, rejected and not included in people’s awareness of their lives and their choices.
People—even “mainstream” folks—were less awake 5 years ago than they are today. The zombies are awakening from their zombie-slumber. No offense. This is good news.
Some resist this painful-to-the-ego shift from ignorance, hubris and being wrong or deceived; to clarity, a bigger perspective and heightened common sense. In many cases this comes with a renewed seeking for spirituality. Which is also great news.
So although awakening—even just in the sense of awakening to the underlying mechanics of some of our recent global phenomena—can be a difficult (red) pill to swallow for the ego, especially if your particular ego was an activated activist for those agendas which prey upon the gullible in the first place.
Luckily, many are deciding to finally grow a brain and wake up to the absurdities that have been carefully planted to cause fierce and “activistic division” within our collective of brothers and sisters.
Be Awake, not woke
Right now, our main predicament is that we—ourselves—have been turned against one another by our own naivety, gullibility, stupidity and misplaced trust. The free agents of this world have been pitted against each other for no good reason whatsoever.
This is only possible in a population that is mostly asleep. Hence, the importance of igniting global awakening. Not wokeness, mind you—awakening. These are two diametrically opposite states of consciousness.
Wokeness, for the most part (generalizing here in the interest of time) is akin to being fiercely asleep... Dreaming that you are awake but you are in fact still asleep, doing the bidding of thy evil masters willingly under the guise of positivity and world health, usually well-intentioned; agreeing to it with a passion (though often it is really old, unresolved resentment dressed up as (com)passion), all out of ignorance, naivety and gullibility—no matter how good these people's intentions underneath may be. Again, I am generalizing, there may be a few exceptions, I just haven't met them yet.
They are playing into the hands of their wicked masters while these masters reap the benefits.
Wokism is attacking your own people; your very own brothers and sisters and ultimately it means being at war within your own self.
Awakening means seeing through at least a great deal of the illusion, your own unresolved pain, and deceitful delusions, trends, fads, and other such manipulated aspects of society.
Being fiercely asleep, still equals being asleep… which BTW rhymes with being a sheep.
Awakening is being awake. Simple. Pure. No activism there. Just love, clarity, natural self-empowerment.
Empowerment is not about fighting everything that triggers you in your fellow brothers and sisters; it comes from being awake and content within yourself regardless of your circumstances and other people's ideas, words or actions. Being truly aware of things as they really are, empowered within yourself.
Genuine empowerment exists without conditions placed on others.
Humanity is erupting
We find ourselves in an age of accelerated separation as a necessary precursor to catalyzing a unified civilization. Like a volcano that reached a boiling point and needs to erupt before it can rest, settle down and become peaceful once again.
Our collective is now in its boiling-point eruption phase in many ways. And the result of this eruption, from a metaphysical point of view, is this: the reality-experience (or simulation, if you will) that was once held together by a consensus pressure (consisting of largely unconscious agreements made within the consciousness of a collective)… is now erupting in many different directions.
The wave of infinite possibilities collapses into a concrete particle or manifestation upon being observed.
You’re probably familiar with this quantum mechanics-based idea by now. But this principle applies not only to conscious acts of individual observation or expectation; it applies especially to collective unconscious observation and expectation. In other words: agreements we make of which we are unaware (most of us, anyways), but which nevertheless produce a seemingly real, objective, external world for everyone to play, express, learn and apparently fight in.
When the collective unconscious agreement—which we have all been agreeing to—breaks up with itself, its manifest world-experience will quickly fall apart and break into pieces, or rather: into alternate, parallel realities coexisting within the same, essentially timeless and spaceless, here-and-now plenum of universal awareness or supreme intelligence and potential itself.
We experience what we agree to experience, at the deepest level. This is how consciousness materializes a world experience or experiential simulation for itself.
When the collective agreement falls apart or breaks up with itself or changes significantly, then so does the manifestation that was based on that agreement. And not everyone can follow along your shift in perspective.
The negative consequence of this (or what we often perceive/judge as insanity or the world going crazy) is that the old world is crumbling into seeming chaos and further separation.
The positive consequence is that new realities will emerge and become available for all to now more consciously choose from and between. And people choose or generate their respective realities according to the new agreements people are currently in the process of making deep within themselves and betwixt each other.
When I say agreements, I'm not talking about something surface level or intellectual which you can write down on a piece of paper and set your signature to. I'm talking deep, subtle, soul-level, usually unconscious agreements regarding the very parameters and truths of your most desired or most relevant (same thing, from a soul point of view) reality.
Time to choose... from deep within yourself
Hence, all the social and ideological fighting that’s currently happening. We’re putting all our stuff—our deepest held beliefs, suppressed feelings and limitations—out on the table of the collective (social media being the table, in many ways) so that we can see everything that’s available to us as a choice, and each can make their own choice as to what makes sense to him or her or what seems absurd and non-sensical.
Free will, as seen within the context of Earth's human history, has never been freer than it is today. Everything is possible. We're in a trampoline window of parallel realities. Get yourself geared up, cleared up, deliberate, determined and excited.
What world do you wish to experience? What Earth simulation do you want to be on? What do you believe? What view makes sense to you? You are currently in the process of deciding this. For all possibilities exist right next to—and even inside of—one another.
Yes, this sounds New Age as f*ck, and yet this process is everyone’s actualized, physical experience right now, whether people recognize and understand this consciously or not.
Most don’t have the awareness yet to perceive the metaphysical underpinnings and happenings within their individual (and let alone the collective) consciousness to grok why things are happening the way that they are; what is causing the “physics of the consciousness” of our current times on the visible level of the five limited senses.
Hence, the mass confusion and social absurdities of the past 5 years especially, seemingly without any reasonable context; except to those who have the sight to see.
All of our unconscious BS is rising to the surface, fighting with each other, and essentially with itself, trying to arrive at some sort of a sensible ideology regarding the preferred nature of our reality or world.
So yeah, it’s a little crazy out there right now. Better stay inside (yourself), ha.
What's next: new sub-collectives will form.
Those of like mind—after they are done sifting through the messy plethora of options and ideologies currently coughed up into conscious view from the unconscious depths of the collective (again, mostly in the media and on social media)—will be drawn to each other and congeal into new sub-collective consciousnesses.
Then, each of these sub-collectives will inherit/shift into/become aware of a new Earth (quite literally, both metaphysically and physically). This new Earth (one of infinite), if you will, will not show any visible signs anymore of other worlds which will be created (agreed upon) by other sub-collective consciousnesses if these soul-level agreements are too different from each other to serve one another's primary goals of learning.
That's right: learning particular lessons and balances is the primary reason or cause for mass experiential simulations such as Earth/humanity to even exist. Learning is the primary impetus that produced the Big Bang, and all that appears to be, including the server you happen to find yourself in at the moment, which is but one of infinite variations of the Creator's possible manifestations.
These worlds, or “parallel servers of Simulation Earth,” will be so incompatible with each other’s underlying, metaphysical coding or collective agreement that they will no longer interact with each other in any consistent or meaningful wan. If they do, it will be only barely and rarely so.
But less and less as time goes on, and as each of these collectives congeal or crystallize more clearly around a new consensus agreement of parameters for what life is, how it works, what these souls want to focus on developing next, and what is relevant to learn, prioritize and embody.
Each parallel server of the Earth Simulation within consciousness will have its own tenet or priority of relevancies that it chooses for itself.
Those who gravitate towards the same principles and states of energy, or consciousness and who are drawn towards similar lessons will naturally find themselves sharing that particular world/server/simulation, usually unaware of all the countless other worlds that they "left behind" or "missed out on" (which can be a good thing!) and which exist parallel to their own, and which are occupied by other souls or individuated points of consciousness who gravitate towards others levels of learning.
In truth, this phenomenon of parallel versions of reality has always already been the case, but right now we are in the dramatic whirlpool of a more obvious break up with our own collective consensus agreements.
We have reached a boiling point. We want unity, but we all fight to get there. Even all-inclusivity is fighting right now with exclusivity, or sometimes even just with common sense. Ha ha.
Soon, however, the seemingly opposing armies and their ideologies will disappear from view, and they will not materialize in the reality which you finally choose to land on. It will be as if your philosophy won the war of these crazy times. You will never even know that the others also won in their own reality. This may take a few more years, but you will find this to be the case. Unless you gravitate towards the conflict itself, in which case you will likely allocate yourself to a vibrational plane commensurate with a world that remains more continuously in search of a consensus ideology or world agreement.
But more and more, people will gravitate towards the peace, harmony and unity which already exists within the plane they are most excited about inhabiting on a soul level.
Those who vibrate too differently from yourself in their view (their unconscious OR conscious agreement of reality) will steadily and surprisingly rapidly disappear from your day to day experience of life, until they are simply no longer part of your reality-experience.
This does not mean you cannot love them, or that you do not, in fact, love, respect or include them in your sense of self. It is simply a result of physics.
Two things that are incompatible with each other will separate and form their own hubs. Water and oil don’t mix. Put them both in a glass, and they will separate.
Why should they fight to inhabit the same space in the name of “inclusion,” when instead, they can peacefully coexist, each in their own respective, preferred reality that is relevant to their nature, while respecting the other, yet not having to deal with the experience of reality which is relevant to these others?
Trust when life is calling you to let go...
Intelligent Universal Consciousness doesn’t waste time or effort. It does not need to fight over infinite space and infinite parallel realities when it is, in fact, infinite in its scope. There is enough room in infinity for all desired explorations of simulated worlds of experiences.
It helps that no world is actually material; so although the universe appears to take up a ton of space, nothing ever perceived has ever taken up any space within consciousness at all. For space is just a perception too, and perception is made of consciousness; not of space or matter. Infinite possibilities exist within consciousness/intelligence/awareness/God itself.
All is one, yes. Yet there are infinite parallel configurations of the singular base reality for a reason—so that each individualized extension of this universal intelligence can have an optimized learning experience according to its own needs as a "soul" or essential beingness.
Those perceptive, open and intuitive or perhaps enlightened enough have already seen this phenomenon (of the falling away of incompatible relationships and surroundings) accelerate over the past 10 years, but most certainly over the past 2 to 3 years, of their life. You’re probably one of them.
This phenomenon will continue to accelerate in the coming years. The waterslide is accelerating…
Do not be afraid. Let go, in the spirit of unconditional love, of those people, things, activities, locations, ideologies, religions, environments and sub-collectives that you have known for so long, when the time naturally comes to separate from them.
It’s in your own best interest that you learn to let go as the waterslide splits into parallel waterslides. Do not divide yourself into multiples by holding onto all these things you may be familiar with, yet which don’t serve you any longer.
Trust in your deepest passion and resonance
Trust the reality you gravitate towards in the deepest way and with the most amount of passion—for that is the one most relevant for your learning and journey as a consciousness. Trust in that direction. Trust in your passion and resonance. Now more than ever this is crucial.
This is Earth’s collective graduation time. Whatever was relevant in the past may no longer be relevant for you now or in the future.
You may have needed that thing, or relationship, to learn from. Now that you have learned and evolved, you are ready for a new reality-experience that is more exciting and relevant to your next-level expansion. Let your higher consciousness create this for you; resist as little as you can that which you truly resonate with.
The best preparation for this shift is to trust this expansion as it calls you forth using passion, excitement and deep recognition, or resonance. That, and it helps to deeply know thyself.
Additionally, it is extremely helpful to choose to be in wise, aligned, intelligent and benevolent company, and begin avoiding anything less than that. Stop fixating on what you don’t want or disagree with, and begin to gravitate towards the people, places, things, and perspectives that light you up, and live constructively from there.
Leave others be in their worldview; they don's not have to compete nor compute with yours. They can coexist completely. Like invisible neighbors. There is infinite space to go around for infinite parallel realities to be perceived/generated by and within the supreme magic which is consciousness.
Remember: To each their own! Live and let live. Let go on that waterslide.
The timing of the collective’s current evolutionary point on its vector (trajectory) is the primary reason I decided to come out of my modern-day yogic cave and start sharing more publicly again, by offering a powerful, unifying platform to grow a truly wise, conscious, clear community, in the form of Bentinho Live.
I realize that this particular claim about the collective more radically splitting apart into sub-collectives—which will each collapse the infinite potential of the wave function into new, concrete, streamlined, aligned-to-its-own-agreements world simulations—will still sound crazy to many, however, this too will become commonly accepted knowledge over the next 10-15 years. I have no doubt about it.
And I think that to many of you, this newsletter is simply confirmation through words to what you’ve already been sensing but couldn’t quite put your finger on over the past several years.
A few parting words, for now...
Thank you for absorbing my love here in the form of these words.
I hope it offers you and your family/friends some timely and empowering context for these crazy times, and I hope to see you inside of the Bentinho Live platform so we can accelerate the trajectory of the higher sub-collective realities to come, and boost its visibility to others so they, too, have an opportunity to align their consciousness to what they truly desire—if this level of consciousness and civilization is indeed what they truly desire.
To each their own.
Love all, yet stand your own ground with wisdom, too.
Prioritize your deepest resonance. Not your pain-based reactions, wants and needs, but your deepest, soul-based resonance. Be true and transparent unto yourself.
What excites you the most when you imagine learning and embodying it over the next 10-20 years? Focus on these qualities, states of consciousness and principles.
Align to those vibrations, and let the chips fall where they may...
Cheers to a marvelous and exciting 2024 for all!
Much love to you, blessings on every single step of your intricate and infinitely unique path.
Ever with you in Spirit, and ever here for those sincere,